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The energy performance certificate: obligation, deadlines and basis for implementing ESG.

The energy performance certificate is not only a legal requirement, but can also be a tool for optimizing energy efficiency and cost savings. A proactive approach to this aspect of real estate management can therefore have a positive impact on operating costs in the long term.

Types of energy certificate:
Consumption vs. demand

There are two types of energy performance certificate: the consumption certificate and the demand certificate. The consumption certificate refers to the actual energy consumption of the users of a building, while the demand certificate assesses the theoretical energy requirement based on the energy quality of the building. The two are not directly comparable as they are based on different calculation principles. Nevertheless, we would like to compare some information for you:

When do you need an energy performance certificate?

An energy performance certificate must be issued for new buildings, the sale, letting or leasing of a building and for public buildings that are open to the public. A special feature: If more than 10% of the area of an external component is renewed, a new energy performance certificate must be issued.

Validity and renewal: Who can issue the energy performance certificate?

An energy performance certificate is valid for ten years, regardless of whether the legal requirements change. After expiry, it must be renewed; an extension is not possible.

The certificate may only be issued by persons with special training or further training and professional experience. This includes engineers, architects and craftsmen.

Why the energy performance certificate is so important for you: a practical example

The energy performance certificate offers more than just information about how much energy your building needs or consumes. With the right tools, property owners can see what measures they can take to improve the energy efficiency of their properties. 

Practical example

Mr. Sonnenfeld has an energy performance certificate for his property, a large apartment building on Bartelsstrasse. As it is an older property with energy class G, Mr. Sonnenfeld is aware of the energy-related challenges. In order to comply with the energy regulations in the long term and avoid difficulties with regard to renting, selling or financing the property, Mr. Sonnenfeld has various options. For example, he could insulate the exterior walls or the roof, replace the windows or switch to a renewable energy source. However, implementing all measures at the same time is not possible from a financial point of view. Mr. Sonnenfeld therefore has to weigh up which measure makes the most sense from an ecological and economic point of view. However, he only has the energy certificate to hand.

Instead of manually calculating measures in Excel, which is time-consuming and error-prone, Mr. Sonnenfeld uses intelligent tools: He uploads his energy performance certificate to Predium. Based on the data from the document, the software automatically provides him with information on the status quo of his building, such as the condition of the building envelope. From this, the software generates recommendations for modernization measures and shows what impact they would have on the energy efficiency of the property. These include refurbishment measures on the building envelope, such as replacing windows, which reduce the building's energy requirements, or measures on the system technology, such as switching to district heating or installing a heat pump, which can reduce a building's CO2 emissions. Reducing energy requirements and emissions saves costs in the long term.

Predium also takes costs and funding opportunities into account when planning measures, making budget planning easier. This means that Mr. Mustermann can not only identify ESG risks on the basis of his energy performance certificate, but can also decide how to proceed and manage his property sustainably and profitably.

The practical example shows:

The energy performance certificate is not only a legal requirement, but can also be a tool for optimizing energy efficiency and cost savings. A proactive approach to this aspect of real estate management can therefore have a positive impact on operating costs in the long term.

Future prospects

Trend from energy performance certificate to building pass

The urgent need to minimize the ecological footprint of buildings requires a more in-depth analysis that takes into account factors such as embodied carbon and the choice of sustainable building materials. In the constantly changing construction industry, the conventional energy performance certificate will therefore be replaced by a building passport in the future. Such a passport not only maps energy consumption, but also offers a more comprehensive assessment of sustainability. The passport makes it possible to record the entire life cycle of a building and thus ensures that ecological aspects are taken into account from the construction phase through to disposal.

This holistic approach not only promotes environmental friendliness, but also helps to support the shift in awareness in the construction industry - providing builders and professionals with the information they need to make informed sustainability decisions that are also profitable.

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