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ESG reporting and scoring: how to attract lenders, investors and tenants.

For portfolio owners, it is essential not only to increase the ESG performance of their properties or portfolios, but also to make it transparent.

What is ESG reporting?

ESG reporting refers to the disclosure of Environmental, Social and Governance practices related to real estate activities. ESG reporting may be voluntary or mandated by government or other institution regulations or guidelines. ESG reporting in the real estate industry includes information on:

  • Environment: Energy efficiency, CO₂ emissions, water consumption, waste management, use of renewable energy sources and sustainability of buildings.
  • Social: Working conditions, diversity and inclusion, workplace health and safety, community involvement, and social impact on the surrounding environment.
  • Governance: Corporate governance, ethical standards, information disclosure, internal controls, and risk management.

What is ESG scoring?

ESG scoring, or ESG rating, on the other hand, refers to the assessment of a real estate portfolio's ESG performance by an independent assessment agency that uses the company's own internal analyses or the company's own analytical procedures. The systematic analysis allows to evaluate ESG data and determine how well a property or real estate portfolio performs on ESG factors. The criteria used can vary depending on the scoring method, but basically include aspects such as reducing environmental impact, respecting human rights and ensuring good corporate governance. The scoring method evaluates the company against these criteria and assigns a rating or score, often referred to as an ESG rating. For example, data from ESG reporting can be used for scoring, as this already maps information about the ESG performance of a property.

The most important ESG reportings and scorings

GRESB: Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark

This benchmark assesses the sustainability performance of real estate portfolios and investments. The GRESB assessment consists of a survey that real estate companies and investors can fill out to report on their ESG performance.

The results of the survey are then used to generate a score for each participant. This score is used to evaluate the sustainability performance in comparison to other companies. 

ECORE: ESG Circle of Real Estate

ECORE is an initiative for ESG compliance in real estate portfolios whose members have developed a scoring standard to make sustainability in real estate portfolios transparent, measurable and comparable. The scoring serves as a basis for continuous optimization toward CO₂ neutrality.

ESG reporting and scoring made easy with Predium

Understand the status quo

First, to get a clear picture of your portfolio performance yourself, you need insight into energy consumption and the CO₂ footprint at building level. With Predium, the corresponding data can be collected and evaluated from a variety of sources.

Identify risks and plan measures

Based on the previously generated data cockpit, you can quickly identify risks and plan appropriate measures. You can easily calculate the economic effects of an investment with Predium and plan measures including costs and savings that help you achieve your climate and financial goals more efficiently.

Create transparency and communicate progress

Finally, with Predium's reporting function, you can disclose to investors, boards, regulators and other parties how your properties' ESG and financial performance is evolving and what the next steps are. With comprehensive, individual and market-specific reporting on your ESG performance, you not only comply with regulatory requirements, but also satisfy your stakeholders. Based on your reports, they can eventually create ESG scores and ratings to compare your ESG performance within the real estate industry.


The Predium software unites all relevant steps and processes of your ESG reporting and visualizes them in a clear and user-friendly dashboard that can be operated by multiple users simultaneously. ESG reporting is completed within a few hours. As a result, Predium not only facilitates the implementation of ESG on a day-to-day basis, but also helps you communicate your progress smoothly, adequately, and effectively.

Make sure that investors and other stakeholders are able to assess the sustainability performance of your real estate (portfolios).

Schedule a consultation.

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