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Powering Up Your Business: How you can help shape our product decisions to strengthen your competitive position.

Our fundamental goal is to add value. To do this, it is essential to understand our customer feedback fully.

How your feedback is incorporated into our product development

Product feedback from our customers is central to the Discovery Track. It reaches our product team via your individual contact person, who prioritizes the individual requirements according to a weighting method. We consider the expected added value that the requested software functionality can bring to all our customers, and the frequency of the request also plays a role in the weighting. The holistic product strategy and vision, as well as the capacities of the product and engineering team, also flow into an implementation decision.

Our fundamental goal is to add value. To do this, it is essential to fully understand our customer feedback: Our Predium product team first identifies the underlying problem. We also pay attention to who we are receiving the feedback from and what challenges that person/party is facing.

We want to make life easier for every person in the company. For us, this means asking about the needs of everyone involved in ESG, e.g., asset managers, ESG officers, or controllers. For a complete understanding of the problem, we, therefore, prefer to involve customers already during the feature discovery. In this way, flexible adaptations are already possible in the early stages of the development phase of new software functionalities.

How do we ensure that the software solution actually solves the underlying problem and meets our customers' requirements? Through stakeholder engagement and data-driven decision-making, we ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the product management process. Customers also mutually benefit from each other because feedback from one stakeholder group implements product functionalities that also advance other customers - this distinguishes Predium from software agencies that develop individual solutions for a specific use case or customer, which are often not scalable or replicable.

At Predium, we always keep an eye on legal requirements and political developments with regard to ESG standards and know what our customers are facing in this regard. That's why current and future regulations play a critical role in every decision around product development. In this way, we help you to manage ESG in accordance with applicable regulations.

Finally, as a result of the Discovery Track, we provide validated software functionalities, tested for usability and feasibility, that create significant value for the entire customer base. Our long-term product strategy and vision at Predium stands for this goal achievement: to help companies become ESG champions in the digital age.

Implementing the product ideas in the delivery track

Based on the experience gained beforehand, our engineering team ensures that product functionalities are developed that solve a need of the customers and thus create significant added value. Implementation takes place in development sprints lasting several weeks - time windows in which a certain predefined number of product ideas are processed with their individual implementation steps. In this way, we use capacities for efficient work in a targeted manner.

Our product development process 

Our Predium software solution is configurable to your requirements. By working in the Discovery Track and the Development Cycles in the Delivery Track, we ensure that we fully understand issues and implement solutions that are tailored to everyday requirements, benefiting the entire customer base. We also take into account that all product functionalities comply with current and future ESG standards. You get a solution with tested features that is up-to-date and comparatively cost-effective - giving you a competitive edge.

You also want to become an ESG champion and influence our product development with your feedback? We look forward to your contribution and a productive collaboration!

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