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How software can boost your ESG performance - and make you an ESG champion.

If properties are not modernized in accordance with legal requirements and market standards, they can suffer a significant valuation discount on the market.

How to Use ESG Software for a Better ESG Performance

1. Understand the Status Quo: Collect and Track Data

When does real estate generate income and how can the profitability of properties be ensured? To do so, real estate companies and asset managers need sound data on buildings, consumption, CO₂ emissions, tenants and climate risks. However, this relevant data is often not available or is scattered among the property or facility management teams or comes from invoices and Excel spreadsheets.

With an ESG management platform, you can centrally collect and track the relevant data of your portfolio from different sources. You can also view developments in energy costs and CO₂ levies, as well as value risks. The data can also flow from one process to the next and be reused.


2. Simulate and Plan Scenarios and Measures per Mouse Click

Modernizing all assets at the same time is not possible from an economic point of view. Therefore, sensible decisions must be made as to which measure should be taken for which properties and when.

An ESG software helps you define and prioritize measures at building and portfolio level and track their implementation. All planned measures take into account a profitability calculation and simulate the impact on CRREM paths. This enables you to make informed decisions.

3. Communicate Progress Flexibly and Effectively

Investors, board members, and regulators want to know how your properties' ESG and financial performance is evolving and what upgrades are planned next. However, manually entering the data and complying with internal and external reporting standards that are constantly changing is usually time-consuming and error-prone.

An ESG management software collects information automatically so you can quickly provide information to your investors and identify areas for improvement. The collected data then automatically flows into established ESG reporting standards (e.g. GRESB, ECORE, GRI, CRREM, etc.), allowing you to transparently report your ESG performance and quickly respond to changes. Using the platform, you can communicate your achieved goals as well as planned tasks and efforts. In addition, you can create your own reporting and scoring models and have individualized reports created for different target groups.‍

4. Work Collaboratively

To be able to work collaboratively with different parties, internally and externally, a platform is needed that brings all stakeholders together and allows them to interact.

Through ESG software, you can work collaboratively internally - within and across departments. You can share reports and work together on action plans. Facility or property management can also be involved, and collaboration between investors and asset managers is possible through the platform. The software's clear and intuitive shared user interface also allows you to work collaboratively and thus effectively internally.


5. Align with Benchmarks

Benchmarking is a method to obtain knowledge and to discover 'best practices' for a better internal performance through comparison with the competition and with their processes.

With the help of an ESG management platform, comparing your ESG performance with industry benchmarks is easy. ESG software enables benchmarking of buildings and portfolios against (1) internal CO₂ balances, (2) market regulatory requirements, and (3) other individual benchmarks, among other factors.

Do you want to become an ESG Champion?

Predium Technology GmbH offers an all-in-one software solution for the simple collection and accounting of ESG-relevant data for residential and commercial real estate. With the Predium Action Engine, you can define and prioritize optimization measures including cost-effectiveness analysis. This enables one-click ROI and risk analysis for varying time periods - taking into account internal and external ESG benchmarks, costs, potential savings, and grant opportunities. Predium simplifies communication with reporting according to market standards or custom templates. In this way, the Predium software solution enables portfolio owners to make economically and ecologically sound decisions. 

We help you implement your ESG goals.

Schedule a consultation. 

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